Use your HSA/FSA Funds
For Functional Nutrition Sessions
B Life Like Nutrition has partnered with Truemed to allow you to use your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA). This means your Functional Nutrition Sessions may be eligible to be purchased with pre-tax dollars, resulting in net savings of 30-40%.
HSAs and FSAs were created for you to spend tax-advantaged dollars on products and services that can treat or prevent medical conditions and TrueMed is making it easy to do just that.
After your free Strategy Session you will be presented with package options for your health goals. At that time if you decide to use your HSA/FSA funds you will be directed to take a quick health survey to determine eligibility. Once you’re approved you can use your HSA or FSA debit card at checkout.
More details:
Truemed is for patients for whom the selected product has been proven to prevent or reverse a condition you care about. An asynchronous health survey will determine eligibility and take qualified patients to payment.
If TrueMed determines that fitness can help prevent or reverse a health condition you care about (making it eligible for HSA/FSA), they will send you a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN)
Once you are approved, just submit your future receipts and LMN to your HSA/FSA provider for reimbursement. You can also shift payments to your HSA card. Truemed guarantees reimbursement. TrueMed will send instructions to get reimbursed and their customer support team will be available to assist. Truemed guarantees reimbursement once qualified.
If you’re unfamiliar, HSAs and FSAs are types of savings accounts for medical expenses. They allow you to set aside money, pre-tax, for items and services that maintain or improve your health. And now, working with B Life Like falls into that bracket. Ask your employer for more information.
Each Letter of Medical Necessity can cover multiple qualified products and is applicable to purchases. Prior orders can be reimbursed subject to rules set by HSA/FSA providers.
Posted by Eugene Smith